Again, I was fortunate to photograph a beautiful wedding in a unique location. Alice and Rob tied the knot up at the Shinneyboo Creek Cabin Resort--what a cool, laid-back affair! You guys rock--and you have the best rings I have ever seen!
So I was able to round up Brian Sweeney to come to Angel's Camp with me to photograph Steve and Lindsay's wedding. The wedding was perfect--perfect light, perfect location and a perfect couple. Thanks to you both for being so generous and having us, it was a beautiful day and one of my most memorable weddings. And check out the shots! Some of my favorites below...
So I met Sarah and David last fall and we got together for some engagement photos down by the Truckee River in Reno. I remember that it was freezing--I think it was December and we found this clump of bamboo that made an interesting backdrop for their wedding card photo.
Fast forward to May 31 and now we're at Sarah's parents house in South Reno. The ceremony and reception are going to be held in the back yard which has been under siege by Tom and Jenny to make it ready for the event. Diana and I show up and get just a few shots of the girls getting ready.
The guys of course, are already dressed and ready to go when they show up so I take a few shots of them outside--hiding them from Sarah who's in the room next door.
The wedding starts at 2pm and I've got my video camera running for a short ceremony video and Diana is taking stills. I break away from my video to get candid shots of guests and take a few of shots from down low.
The light gets better after the ceremony and we take advantage of the nice scenery around the back yard and get some great shots.
So then the wedding ends and David and Sarah ride off in the Limo--and as I'm driving home I just keep thinking of how I wanted to take some more photos of them by themselves in a really green, secluded setting. So Sarah calls me the next day asking if Diana lost an earring in the bathroom and it reminds me to ask her if David still has his tux. She was going to return it that afternoon but talks the guy into letting them keep it for a couple more days so we can meet down at Rancho San Rafael park and shoot some more intimate photos--I'm so grateful that we were able to do this--it was awesome (despite my sprained ankle!)
Thanks so much you guys -- it was an honor to be at your wedding and to photograph you two. Good luck in the move !